11. Juli: Når tiden løber fra én…

Vi stod tidligt op og tog afsked med vores flinke værter, inden de skulle på arbejde på henholdsvis det lokale bibliotek og en cykelbutik.


Så pakkede vi sammen og kørte afsted mod Saint John i New Brunswick, hvorfra vi skulle sejle til øen Nova Scotia. Gjorde kun et kort fourageringsstop ved Walmart, fordi vi gerne ville være i god tid til færgen, så gjorde ikke andre svinkeærinder.

Vejene østpå var i ret dårlig stand, og vi måtte vente lidt ved grænsen, men vi mente alligevel at vi ville kunne være i Saint John i god tid til check-in.  Men så viste GPS’en pludselig, at vi først ville være ved færgen, EFTER at check-in ifølge vores billetter ville være lukket! Det forstod vi ikke helt – indtil det gik op for os, at New Brunswick (i modsætning til Quebec) er en time foran Maine!

Vi forudså, at vi ville blive nødt til at køre en lang omvej for at komme til Nova Scotia over en bro, men da vi nåede færgelejet, stod de flinke folk og ventede på os og lod os alligevel komme med ombord!


Overfarten tog 2 1/4 time, så der var tid til frokost (man kunne vælge mellem fisk, fisk eller skaldyr i cafeteriet!) og lidt afslapning. Så lagde vi til i Digby og kørte tværs over øen til Lunenburg på sydkysten, hvor vi skal bo de næste fire nætter i et meget skævt, men charmerende lille blåt hus midt i byen.


English version:

We got up early and said goodbye to our kind hosts before they set off for work at the local library and bike shop. Then we packed our bags and headed off for Saint John in New Brunswick where we wanted to catch the ferry across the Fundy Bay to the island of Nova Scotia. We only allowed ourselves a short stop at Walmart to buy snacks so that we would have plenty of time to get there.

The roads leading east were not in very good condition and we had to wait a little at the Canadian border, but we were still making good time – or at least we thought so. Because suddenly the GPS said that we would be arriving AFTER check-in had closed! We just didn’t understand that – until we realised that New Brunswick is an hour ahead of Maine! So driving the last stretch to Saint John we prepared ourselves to miss the ferry and have to drive the long way around the bay to cross to Nova Scotia on the bridge. But when we reached the ferry terminal with only minutes to spare before the ferry departed, the kind check-in people let us drive straight onboard!

The ferry trip took 2 hours 15 minutes, so there was time for a late lunch (the options were fish, fish and seafood!) and for relaxing before we reached Digby and drove across the island to Lunenburg on the south coast where we will be staying the next four nights in a charming little blue house with sloping doors and floors.



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